You want to keep all your customers happy. The problem is thateveryone thinks differently and experiences things uniquely. Youcan't please 100% of your customers. But you can focus on theneeds of a smaller amount of customers. Please them, and you'llautomatically have a lot more happy customers.
Amy has a jewelry store. She has been in business for a few yearsand has a lot of experience in this field. One of her businesspolicies is to get feedback from her customers. Although this isan excellent technique for finding out what your customers want,you must use the feedback with discretion.
Amy's problem was that she took each comment too seriously; shetried to please everyone and was constantly changing her businesspractices and product line. This constant change not only causedher frustration, a lot of extra work, and the extra cost involvedwith each change, it also made her business unstable.
Customer feedback is an essential part of running a business, butthe way you interpret those results is critical. Since you can'tplease everyone, please those that you can. Find out what yourcustomers want, and then choose products and services along thatline. Do less, do a better job, and you'll do better in yourbusiness. You'll find that your profits grow, you're morefocused on what needs to be done and you're more at ease. Don'tgo after quantity, but rather focus on quality. You can't pleaseeveryone, so please those that you can and you'll end uppleasing more customers. If you try to please everyone, you'llend up pleasing no one. When you combine your strengths and thedesires of the majority of your customers, you'll be able tocreate a better, stronger business.
Let's take the above example of Amy's jewelry shop. Amy hasexpertise in diamonds, and 60% of her customers come to her shopto purchase diamonds. Amy also has gold rings, gold bracelets,and silver as well as other types of jewelry. Now, if Amy were tofocus only on diamonds and build her business in this areainstead of spreading herself thin with the other categories ofjewelry, she would do much better.
She could take surveys to find out what areas of the diamondtrade customers are interested in and determine what services arealso needed. She can easily become one of the leading diamondretailers in her area simply by making an adjustment in herfocus.What part of your business do you need to focus on? What are yourstrengths? Focus on those areas, and eliminate the areas in whichyou're not doing so well and that are not what your customerswant. You'll find that your business will prosper, and you'llmove up the ranks with regard to branding, customer service, andquality. Do your best at pleasing the people you can and forgetabout those you can't. You'll end up with happier customers, andmore of them, along with a stronger, stable business! That's theway I see it. To Your Success! Acey Gaspard
Action Steps to Please Your Customers
1. Keep in mind that you can't please everyone, so please thosepeople you can.
2. Find out what your customers want.
3. Eliminate those areas that do not focus on your customers'desires.
4. Build on those areas that cater to your customers desires.
Important Points to Keep When Trying to Please Your Customers* Everyone thinks differently and experiences things uniquely. *Customer feedback is an essential part of running a business, butthe way you interpret those results is critical. * You can'tplease everyone, so please those that you can and you'll end uppleasing more customers. * When you combine your strengths andthe desires of the majority of your customers, you'll be able tocreate a better, stronger business.
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